Jessica is a teen-ager. . .

I have always been amazed by you. You are brave and confident in ways I could only dream of being. You have always been the one to go out and make friends, first thing you do anywhere new we go. You are the one who is ready to put on a show and sing a song for the people around you. You are the one who is the one who greets the new kids at church and makes them feel at home. You are the one who all the neighborhood children flock too. You make me proud each and every day. You make me smile and I see so much potential in you, so many people are watching to see just what you will become.
Treasure the gift of your voice that God has given you. The very first time I felt you move was when your dad and I were at a worship conference and the band played an upbeat version of Amazing Grace and you must have started dancing. After that if I ever wanted you to move all I had to do was put music on or sing amazing grace. After you were born you would refuse to go to sleep unless we sang Amazing Grace to you----all 4 verses. You sang before you talked, you would sit in your crib singing away for 1/2 hour before you would call for us to come and get you. I would keep the monitor on just to hear you, I've always loved your voice. Every time you sing, people tell me how beautiful your voice is and how blessed they felt hearing you sing. It is really a gift from God, and He shines through you when you sing, the music is your passion is a reflection of that.
Did you know that you are also really really smart. I know that you don't think you are, but you really are. You've always been so far ahead in how you think and how far ahead you think. You were never a cranky child, but you got bored so easily that sometimes it was hard to keep you entertained. You didn't really play with toys as much as you figured out how they worked and then that was that. I still remember when you were 18 months old and I had bought you a Po doll that would make noise when you squeezed her belly. I had put you down for your nap and then I heard Po making noise again and again and again. I thought I should sneak in and move Po because I assumed that you must be rolling on her. When I walked in you were wide awake sitting with Po, her back unzipped and the the insides pulled out where you had the sound box in your hand squeezing it together again and again to make it go. After that day, Po did not hold the same fascination for you. Your like your dad that way, and he loves it.
I won't say that this year will be easy, sometimes even though you are looking forward to something like being a teenager it ends up being harder than you expected. It's a year that will bring change, some exciting and some scary but remember that the best is yet to come. No matter how hard it might seem, or how sometimes your heart might hurt, remember you have two people in your corner that love you so much and will always be here for you. You can talk to us anytime, cry at us anytime, and we will always be here to listen and walk you through.
You came to us at a time when there was sorrow and you brought us so much joy and you bring others so much joy that take time yourself to enjoy all that the year brings to you. Don't try to grow up too fast, just take your time, take it all in, breathe and laugh. I love you my dearest girl, I love you with every piece of my being. Let Jesus guide your heart and your mind, trust Him at every turn and He will give you the desires of your heart, because He loves you even more than I do.
Hard to believe, isn't it?
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