Happy 40th birthday. . .

I'm not sure how I can make this an awesome birthday for you, I really want it to be an awesome day for you because of who you are and how awesome you are. I know a lot of people know you as the smart techy guy who can fix almost any computer problem they encounter, and a lot of people know you as the funny talkative guy who is confident and loves being around people and talking a blue streak, and a few of us lucky ones also know a different side of you, they know you as a loving and generous guy; generous to a fault, the kind of guy who would give you the shirt of his back, a patient guy. I also know you as a guy who hurts for the hurting, who would do anything for those who bleed on the inside, and would never take credit for what he ever did manage to do.
The part of you I was attracted to, the part I fell in love with is the part that has only grown as you have gotten older, that part is your heart. You have such a passion and a heart for God and those around you that are hurting and desperately need His healing hand in their life. There have been so many times when you have stayed up late talking to someone because they needed to talk and it didn't matter to you how late it was you were just happy to help. The countless times you were the driver that made sure that everyone else got home safely, even when driving was two hours out of your way, just to make sure everyone was home.
In my life you took a girl who didn't think she was much and made her feel like a princess. I still remember that cold February night when you reached out and put your arm around me, to let me know you cared, only for a second and then you were back with your friends trying to fix someone's car while I stood and wondered if I just had imagined that that happened. After that my heart didn't have a chance but to fall in love with you. You have always loved me with everything you have and more. You have put me first time and again, and shown me God's love.

You have also loved those I love. I remember the night you stayed up all night with Joy because she felt so sick and homesick. There were all the times you have spent on the stoop with Susie, keeping her company no matter what the weather. There was the night you drove Naomi home to Hamilton at midnight cause she missed her bus and was a newlywed and couldn't bear to be stuck at OBC(of course that gave us a chance to talk lots too).
I don't know if you know what an awesome father you are and how much the kids adore you. You never grow tired of Jessica's questions and always patiently give her the "full" answer whether she was looking for that or not. You always get up with Elizabeth even though it's three am, to help her get back to sleep. You spend so much time in the morning with Frances and you always take the time to cuddle her and tickle her, and Christopher. Well you can do no wrong in his eyes and it's easy to see why when you get to see how you are with him. In fact the look on his face in this picture says it all.

I love you very much and I hope that you do have a really good day, and that together we will have a wonderful year.
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