For Healing. . .
Well tonight to be honest it is hard to find something to be grateful for. It has been one of those days, filled with anxiety, and feeling helpless in it all. However no one said this project would be easy and so I must think of something. . .
I think tonight I am feeling blessed for the journey that I have been on and the healing place I have come to. It has taken 25 and a half years to get to where I am and it has been a very long, very hard fight. To be honest there were many many days I did not think I would get to this point. I could not see healing of any kind in my future. It didn't seem possible and sometimes just breathing in and out in a day was difficult.
I made it because God fought for me. At every turn, He was there, time and time again He did not let me sink into the abyss. He was there at every turn in every situation keeping my head above water. He provided me with friends, with Gil, and with professionals that could help. He provided me with family, with an amazing cell group, with a Church that has been so supportive and loving and embracing to my family.
He also provided me with his Word and at every turn that Word has helped to ground me, His promises kept me going and kept my head up despite all the things that have come and tried to sabotage it. I know that the circumstances that face me now once again threaten the peace I have enjoyed this past year, the joy I have found, but I have a Savior that fights. He fights for me, He fights for all His children and I am grateful that despite my circumstance He is here. He has provided for my healing and He will continue to do so, and He will heal those I love.
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