Welcome Baby Boy
It really began the entire week before. I started having many many very hard braxton hicks, I was throwing up again, and so sick that finally I went to the hospital. However it was only false labour brought on by dehydration from being sick, so home again I went. However they noticed my blood-pressure was high. It had been on the extremely low side the entire pregnancy so they were concerned with the sudden jump. The next day I needed to see my doctor and it had gone back down to a more normal level, but he noticed swelling in my ankles so there was some concern. On the Wednesday I had energy for the first time since I got pregnant so Gil and I decided to head out to the movies for the last hurrah so to speak. Half way through the movie though I started feeling very strange so we stopped at Shoppers after and checked my blood pressure which had spiked to a really high number so we headed back to the hospital the next day. Again it started to come down so they let me come home but asked that I return on Saturday and get checked again. On Saturday everything was perfect, so on Monday I had my regular doctor's appointment where again it was a little high but nothing too concerning. However he decided to do a membrane sweep to see if that would start labour and sure enough it did.
Later that afternoon right around supper time we headed in to the hospital. Things moved slowly at first but they needed to get anti-biotics into me so it was actually a good thing that things moved slowly. Once the anti-biotics were in they gave me Demerol and then I slept a bit and when it started to where off then I asked for an epidural. For once the epidural actually worked and I didn't feel a thing. They had to tell me when to push and then after six or seven pushes little Christopher Eldon arrived into the world. A perfect little man weighing in at six pounds 15 ounces.
He's a really good baby sleeping and eating most of the time. Of course as with any baby he has his grumpy periods but for the most part he is really good. He looks alot like his sister Elizabeth did at this stage. He seems to have blonde hair and he has the round head. His eyes are different though, I think they will be alot like his dads which is a good thing. He has his grand-dads long feet and weird toes though (poor child) but if any of them were to have that at least it's the boy.
So he's here and now is the recovery process. My body is healing very slowly, much slower than with the others but that is probably because it is the fourth and every time apparently gets harder. It is the last time though and that's how I get myself through the days of pain when even my legs don't seem to want to work right.
Later that afternoon right around supper time we headed in to the hospital. Things moved slowly at first but they needed to get anti-biotics into me so it was actually a good thing that things moved slowly. Once the anti-biotics were in they gave me Demerol and then I slept a bit and when it started to where off then I asked for an epidural. For once the epidural actually worked and I didn't feel a thing. They had to tell me when to push and then after six or seven pushes little Christopher Eldon arrived into the world. A perfect little man weighing in at six pounds 15 ounces.
He's a really good baby sleeping and eating most of the time. Of course as with any baby he has his grumpy periods but for the most part he is really good. He looks alot like his sister Elizabeth did at this stage. He seems to have blonde hair and he has the round head. His eyes are different though, I think they will be alot like his dads which is a good thing. He has his grand-dads long feet and weird toes though (poor child) but if any of them were to have that at least it's the boy.
So he's here and now is the recovery process. My body is healing very slowly, much slower than with the others but that is probably because it is the fourth and every time apparently gets harder. It is the last time though and that's how I get myself through the days of pain when even my legs don't seem to want to work right.