
My Photo
Location: Mount Albert, Ontario, Canada

I am a writer, a dreamer, looking for my voice, figuring out my passions and my purpose. Desperate to grow how He wants. I am a mom, with three beautiful girls, an awesome son, and the BEST husband ever. It is my Saviour and Lord Jesus and the support of family and friends that allow me to make this change and move towards healing.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Value Village Day--Rose Where R U?

Well another lonely Value Village day has past. The experience just isn't the same without my beautiful Rose in tow. However I did get some great buys even if it was not up to it's usual standard of excellence. As those who know me are aware, I pride myself on my children always looking their absolute best all the time, but we are not rich or even marginally well off so it means shopping at bargain stores and always keeping my eye out for the deals. Usually that means Value Village, and that is usually only three times a year on half off days. This year in June things were just too tight to afford to go, Jessica just had a growth spurt and ran out of pants so I was a bit concerned as to what to do when I spied the sign last week that brought an end to my dilema, a Value Village half off day, today.

So bright and early off I went in search of bargains and I did find some although not as much as usual. The selection in the children's department was slim pickins, although luckily I was able to get some stuff for Jessica. I did get some great shoes and boots for the whole family, and some books for moi, and some jeans and pants for Gil and I. So it did prove productive anyway but I must admit the experience lost something without Rose's presence.

For the past few times I've gone Value Villaging Rose has been living with us and came with me and we had such a fun girls day out so it felt very lonely and sad without her. I miss you Rose:(

Sunday, November 13, 2005

A Movie Shoot?

Well here we are in my little town and trailers appear down the street, movie trailers. . . not here in little green gables? Gil and I presumed it was for a little tiny commercial or something like that but Jessica got stars in her eyes and off she went down the street with her friend to investigate the matter. To be honest Gil and I were curious enough to let her go. Then later Gil went to get her and in doing so also take a peep at the happenings. Well it turns out it is a movie shoot. Pretty big name stars too, Diane Lane, Justin Timberlake, Johnny Knoxville, (although Justin may have been replaced). They are not at the shoot right now but apparently will be on Tuesday, and they will make an appearance to sign autographs for the fans. So of course Jessica is now busy making an autograph book. I asked just whose autograph did she want and she's like, "I don't know anyone."

I guess it doesn't take much to impress a nine year old. Gil must have a crush on Diane Lane because he's talking about trying to get her picture, zoom lenses, staking out the set with Jessica as his cover. I'm sure though I don't need to worry, an old frumpy guy with four kids in tow can't be too appealing to the average hollywood type, (ha ha kidding). I do think that there will now be a debate though on just which parent gets to meet the bus. It's right across from the shoot and usually it's a fight; now it will be like, "No dear, you've had a rough day. Let me go, really I don't mind." It does make you think twice about exactly what you wear to go to the bus though, I mean sweats and a ball-cap seem somehow insufficient.

The other funny aside is Jessica saying to us, "That guy from Jackass is in it." Gil and I were like "Pardon me young lady, that may be a show but we will still not tolerate that kind of language in this house." I mean really. Of course she looked at me her face gone white and swears she didn't know it was a bad word. At least not yet; that will come soon enough.

Post Script: The movie people lied, they all dissapeared the other day so they psyched us all out and we are all so smart we fell for it. And yes I don't have much to say sometimes life is boring over here, I only have four kids (five if you include Gil) and nothing to do but clean, clean, clean. Actually sometimes my blogs are late because I have employed a "blog checker" who constantly falls down on the job, but I fear with my spelling the blog would be undecipherable without him. But this post is really really late so ------(insert hand motion here) YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

All Trick and No Treat!!!!

So what do you think happens once I blog the longest blog ever and finally retire to slumber in complete exhaustion ---- a loud piercing wail emanates from the girls room to which I run in complete panic expecting to find a fire or a burgler what with the sound of complete panic and all. There's Frances a.k.a. "The Parrot", shrieking much like the shrieking shack, and since there is no fire and no burgler the next guess is she's going to throw-up all of her halloween candy that she's consumed, which luckily was only a small box of smarties. I proceed to carry her --very very quickly to the washroom in an attempt to make sure that I share as little of this experience with her as possible. Once reaching said washroom the smarties decided to remain where they were after all, whew, but the shrieking continued, a barking noise that will scare any decent parent alive, especially when you realize the noise is not from something coming up but something not getting in -- mainly oxygen. I screamed in a panic for Gil. Frances was the whitish shade of white, cold and shaking uncontrollably. We phoned tele-health who listened to her breathing, asked what color she was; if she was turning blue. She wasn't, but the area around her mouth and chin was definetely dusky (and so I mentioned this). Soon an ambulance was dispatched to our residence, Gil was still up working so it was decided he would go with Frances in the ambulance so I proceed to try and find clothes so that I would look at least somewhat presentable. I also packed a diaper bag for him to take, and then the ambulance arrived, and wouldn't you know it ---they were both young, hip and good looking. A young lady with a nose piercing and a young man with piercing blue eyes, (yes yes I am married not dead) so of course they assess the situation very quickly, two old frumpy new parents over-reacting to a cold. The piercing blue eyes reach my brown ones and he says to me, "the dispatcher said you said she was turning blue?" He said it in a rather accusitory tone. I corrected him of course feeling very patronized and informed Mr. Blue Eyes, "No I did not say she was blue I said she was dusky!"

Well I wish now that I had a picture of the look on his face; a disbelieving look like, "yah and that's different because?" They then proceeded to ask, "so do you have other children?" Again in a patronizing way, this leads Gil and I to turn a little pink and inform them, "well yes we have three others." Insert own joke here.This always seems to get a huge mouth dropping response, and then things rapidly changed. No more accusations or patronizing looks instead Mr. Blues Eyes says, "oh so you would know if this was just a cold or the flu or something. Having four you know something's really wrong!"

Ahhhh ----- duh!!!! That's why we called tele-health, it's not like she just sneezed or something. My normally strong as an ox child, who was fine all day and all night trick or treating, who went to bed without so much as a runny nose is wheezing with a barking cough. You could see her stomach muscles contracting with each breath in an attempt to get oxygen, hello people you are the ones with the flashing lights and the training, lets move it here!

The next order of business was to check her oxygen level, and as we have discovered before that poor Frances is endowed with the unfortunate Blythe feet. In other words they are short and fat and the pulse-ox can't get a reading through her short fat little feet. Next step they told us to take her to emerg or they could do it. "Excuse me but isn't that why you are here?" We were informed Gil couldn't ride with her and we could tell by the death rays she was giving the attendants that any attempt to part her with her daddy would result in more shrieking and that would just make everything worse. So ALL that just so he could drive her anyway!!! If we had known that we could have avoided all this drama; "grrrrh, arghhhh" (See Buffy).

As Gil drove away with my baby, I crept into the girls room to listen to the sound of them breathing. Once again the parents among us know this is the most soothing of sounds the most peaceful of sights and seeing and hearing your child, your tiny helpless child having difficulty with this simple natural act that we all take for granted; breathing that is, does something to your insides. You feel so very very helpless and you quickly realize how little you can do to protect them. Then of course all the many horrible scenarios rush through your brain. 1) The smarties were laced with some cyanide-like poison. Only Frances ate smarties; the other two had something else from their bag. The sudden onset of such terrible illness co-inciding with Halloween can play cruel tricks on your brain, and all of those poisonings leap to mind and you begin to wonder. 2) Perhaps she's allergic to chocolate and we just never noticed before in the thousands of times she's had chocolate. Mr. Blue eyes did keep asking about allergies and I kept saying no, but maybe we just didn't notice. 3) Perhaps she is the first case of the avian bird flu landing in Aurora as we anticipate the pandemic to end all pandemics. Can you catch the bird-flu from dressing up as a parrot?

After ascertaining my remaining three were all healthy I retired to my room still exhausted and tried in vain to sleep. It's really silly if you think about it: there is no possible way to sleep when the day and every morsel of food, or lack of food flows through your brain as you try to figure out whats happening instead of resting and letting the doctors do their job. My brain continued to race at speeds that would frighten most indy-racers and adreneline continued to course through my blood making sleep impossible. I kept the phone by my head checking every fifteen minutes to make sure it was still working.

Finally I heard the van pull back in the driveway and I flew out of bed and rushed down the stairs to see Gil with Frances, and Frances with that mischievious up to no good look on her face, and peace overwhelmed me because I knew immediately all was well.

It turns out it was croup and she was the eigth such case the doctor in the emerg had seen that night. They gave her some medicine there and sent some home to give to her today that would set her right. They said it's usually not contagious but to watch Christopher because he's that much younger and he would have a harder time with it. No worries it's not like Frances had been kissing him on the lips at every given moment all day or anything, (voice dripping with sarcasm), but she went to bed and Gil and I collapesd.

We thanked God for our four blessings and that poisoned halloween candy is an urban myth, and that our little puppy (her nick-name) was back to her non-shrieking self. I just realized how funny it is that her nic-name is puppy and she had a "barking cough" ROTFL

It is also amusing that if I really pro-port to be like my name sake, I would have used SOME imagination boiled some water, made a mustard pack for her chest, given her some ipacec and then she would have been back to normal; and Mrs. Berry would have had to eat humble pie. Obviously I failed at that part although I do think the phrasing "dusky" is very imaginative; very imaginative indeed.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Crazy Halloween Fun Posted by Picasa

Princess, Parrot and Vampira Posted by Picasa

Pretty Little Princess Posted by Picasa

What A Handsome Boy Posted by Picasa

Medeba Girl Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Too Much To Blog, Too Little Time. . .

Well I have much to catch you all up on from the past few days. I have been gently reminded that I have been remiss in respects to my blogging duty but also in respects to my stalking duty, but do not fear I'm still here. Tired, worn-out, stressed to the limit, but here all the same. It began as a hectic week and since I was anxious about my upcoming meeting with Wes and Giles I really had nothing left inside to do anything like go out and get our desperately needed groceries. So Gil offered to take that duty upon himself and am I ever happy he did. Not only did he get everything we needed, but he also had to deal with our battery dieing while he was out, and believe me I was so thankful that wasn't me. He got home pretty late and tired and that just added to the stress we were both feeling.

Then on Tuesday Rose dropped by, unexpectedly by me, but I am told Gil knew she was coming. The children were absolutely thrilled to see her and spend some time with her. I too was grateful for what would be the only stress release this week of having her company. Unfortunately for her I had been up in the night with Christopher and so I had to crash in the middle of her visit, and could not make the most of her time here. I'm so sorry Rose.:(

Wednesday seems like a blur to me, Gil was out in the afternoon and in the morning I received a distressing phone call that put me in a real bad mood. When I say a real bad mood understand that I'm talking witch with a capital B!!!!!!!!! Poor Gil.

That brings us to Thursday, the day when I met Wesley. Wesley is definitely Wesley from Angel. Not even close to nerdy Wesley, in fact Wesley seems too nerdish a name so I'll call him Wes. Anyway we trained really hard and I think made real progress in this whole slayer thing. I'm really glad Giles is my primary watcher though because he is so much more understanding and empathetic than Wes, I would have a hard time believing that Wes really likes me and be totally insecure all the time.

So then Friday was Elizabeth's birthday! My baby is four! I can't believe it, I won't believe it, it is too scary. Too much change in such a short time frame. Elizabeth however deserves her very own post so I will blog about her day and all the changes that have encompased her later.

Saturday I rested up because Sunday was Jessica's ninth birthday. Did I mention in the above paragraph that they grow up and change too fast??? Well if I didn't they do. Way too fast, of course it is especially evident in Jessica because she is little Miss Independent and cannot (in her mind), grow up fast enough. As a result she is nine going on sixteen. Once again though I will give her her very own blog and her very own record cause she too is just as deserving so I will leave that for another day. One thing I will mention as advice to all you prospective parents, try to avoid having birthdays so close together. A month or two in between is preferrable for a variety of reasons. 1) Two parties that close together is impossible to manouver. 2) There is much comparison by way of who got what, and how much etc. No forgetting time in between. 3)It really wreaks havoc on the budget. 4) No one wants her little sister at her party stealing her sunshine, and not so Miss Independents don't have as many friends to fill it out with. I could probably go on and on so take my advice and don't do it. Probably avoiding Valentine's Day pitfalls would have helped in this area.

So now here we are Boo!!!!! Yes this brings us up to date on this Halloween. And so the festivities have now come to a close, the sugar-chocolate hyped up children are finally asleep, and Gil is trying to rest his tired feet. I gave in this year and let Jessica be a vampire, oh pardon me vampira (Dracula's wife according to her), for those of you who don't know I had a lot of issues with my perfect children dressing up as scary goulish things so I tried to make a rule of it. All it did (for prospective parents) was make her more fascinated with the whole thing so finally I caved and let her be a vampire in hopes that now the fascination with things of a dark nature will end. This coming from a die-hard Buffy fan. What's the phrase "do as I say not as I do."

Elizabeth being only four of course was into the fairy princess role. I curled her long blonde hair, put just a little make-up on her and she was GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it, she has the longest lashes in the world, and I am afraid of when she does become a teenager because every boy within a ten block radius will be at our front door where, (for all you four and five year old boys out there) Gil will be waiting with a baseball bat and he's not afraid to use it so BEWARE!!!!!!!!!

Frances went in the standard plush store-bought costume that Elizabeth wore at this age, (when they won't sit still for make-up) as a Parrot. The funny thing is she walks like a parrot too. Gil said she made out like a bandit -- literally. They would put candy in her bag and she wouldn't understand that it was hers so she would cry and then they would give it to her in her hand. Then the house's where they let her pick the candy out by lowering the bin she snatched up one in each hand so she got twice as much as her sisters. Gil thinks it was cute, but I think she knew what she was doing all along.

Gil of course got the pleasure of walking with his girls, I got the pleasure of staying home with Christopher and handing out candy to non-existent trick or treaters. For some reason they never come to our house and I really wish they would because Gil and I do not need the extra candy. Believe me we really really don't. I did search the streets for a certain duck costume but I didn't see it. Did the duck happen to see a Vampira, Princess, and Parrot all at the same time???? If so your one up on me again.

So now I'm exhausted and heading to bed, you who have braved through this blog are now exhausted too and I hope you are reading this at a time when you too can head to bed, if not it really sucks for you! Leave a comment though and let me know if it was a treat to read, or a really cruel trick. Also for all my MSN friends, I no longer have that capability on my computer so you'll have to contact me the old-fashioned way of e-mail which after MSN feels suprisingly like snail mail. Good-night and Good-luck.

Pics are of course coming!