Wasn't it just Yesterday. . ..
Wasn't it just yesterday that we heard the news we were going to have a baby
Wasn't it just yesterday that I felt you kick inside me for the very first time
Wasn't it just yesterday that the Dr. put you in my arms
Wasn't it just yesterday you laughed for the first time
Wasn't it just yesterday you started walking
Wasn't it just yesterday you started school
Wasn't it just yesterday
The time has flown by so quickly, and as I watch you move into this next stage of life it is with mixed emotions.
So proud and happy for the confident, poised, courageous girl you are
So proud of your spirit, the way you live every moment to the fullest
So proud of the way you treat others, your compassion, your empathy
So proud of the way you are not ashamed of Jesus or His word
So proud of the young lady you are and the young woman you are becoming
There isn't a grade you could earn, there isn't an award you could win that could make me prouder. There isn't anything that could happen good or bad that would take away or add to my feelings. I am and have always been the luckiest Mom because YOU are my daughter. I get to watch YOU grow up, I get to watch YOU learn, I get to be with YOU. I am so very blessed because Jesus gave YOU to me to be my first daughter. YOU have brought me so much joy since the very first moment I knew you were coming.. Your smile, your laugh, your confidence in life, your poise, your beauty, your everything.
But I am sad for me as you grow up and away from me
sad that my baby is growing up way too fast
sad that there aren't more days like yesterday where we can just enjoy each others company
sad that I know this next chapter of your life will also fly by and I will find myself saying,
Wasn't it just yesterday she graduated grade 8.