
My Photo
Location: Mount Albert, Ontario, Canada

I am a writer, a dreamer, looking for my voice, figuring out my passions and my purpose. Desperate to grow how He wants. I am a mom, with three beautiful girls, an awesome son, and the BEST husband ever. It is my Saviour and Lord Jesus and the support of family and friends that allow me to make this change and move towards healing.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

It's Official---We're Having a Boy!!!!!!!!!

It still seems unbelievable to me, but we are having a boy. After three girls I thought for sure it would be another girl, but low and behold if God doesn't surprise me after all. We're all so happy but it will be a whole different experience now.

It's a very active boy too. He wouldn't stop moving the entire ultra-sound, they had such issues getting a picture of his heart. At first they couldn't even tell what the sex was but after I emptied my bladder and turned over that turned the baby upside down and voom -- it's a boy.

We haven't decided upon names just yet, Gil's deciding so it could take awhile. He says he doesn't have issues deciding things but really he does. We are all so excited though, it's going to be one spoiled boy, my father has only girls, and grand-daughters so this is something they have been waiting awhile for.

I decided after I found out to go to the store and get blue balloons and a helium balloon that said, "it's a boy" and brought them home to Gil and the girls. When I got to the door his first question was "What are those for?", then when he took the time to read it he twirled me around and gave me the biggest hug. We had both convinced ourselves it was a girl so that there would be no dissapointment, but I think that also made the excitement that much more. Elizabeth is the only one who is sad, she wanted a sister, and of course Frances has no idea what is up yet, but she'll find out. Jessica however was thrilled she really wanted a little brother since she feels now she knows all about sisters and having something different would be nice.

Now our family feels complete.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Sick and Still Sick

I keep hoping for a reprieve from this illness that plagues me, but to no avail. I get better for a few days and then boom, another wave of nausea and or related problems ensues. It is so frustrating, there is so much to do and I never seem to get anywhere as I fight with the ravages of what this pregnancy is doing to my body. I wasn't even able to complete the simple task of grocery shopping but instead had to return home to bed. I barely got out of my Wednesday appointment intact, had to pull over to a Tim Hortons I was so ill. My face went beat red and I was covered in sweat, I was sick and cramping and I thought they were going to find me passed out in the washroom. Luckily I recovered and mangaged to make it home to bed and basically I have been there ever since suffering from who knows what, praying for it all to end.

My biggest concern is for the baby, how do I know if it's okay when I am so ill, I can barely eat or do all those other things I need to do to stay healthy? Tonight I felt it move and I was thankful to know it's okay, and I hope that it can continue to grow and thrive despite me. And Gil in case you are wondering this is definetely the last baby.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Another Stubborn Unco-operative Baby

Well I had my first ultra-sound yesterday. I was very excited and barely slept the night before, I was excited to find out if it's a boy or another girl and truly I would be happy with either. However the ultra-sound did not yield the results I was looking for instead I learned this baby is just like his/her sisters. I had to drink an obscene amount of water, drive to the lab in pain, have goop smeared all over my stomach, lie there for an hour while the technician mumbles at the computer screen(occasionally telling the baby to co-operate please), all for bupkis!!!!

Well that's an exaggeration, I got to see the heart, the round Hunt head, the little hands and arms and legs and feet, but his/her identity is still hidden. When I had to undergo five ultra-sounds for Frances it was not until the final one that we learned she was a girl, four weeks before her birth. She used to lie on her belly her legs all curled up underneath her, this one likes his/her back. It would not turn over even though we tried everything for an hour, it would move side to side and kick, but not roll over the result being I will have to endure another ultra-sound. The technician couldn't get a picture of the spine or the face because it wouldn't roll and those are pictures that are important so I will have to drink another obscene amount of water, drive in pain, and wait for an hour and hopefully this time I will yield the results I am looking for.