It's Official---We're Having a Boy!!!!!!!!!
It still seems unbelievable to me, but we are having a boy. After three girls I thought for sure it would be another girl, but low and behold if God doesn't surprise me after all. We're all so happy but it will be a whole different experience now.
It's a very active boy too. He wouldn't stop moving the entire ultra-sound, they had such issues getting a picture of his heart. At first they couldn't even tell what the sex was but after I emptied my bladder and turned over that turned the baby upside down and voom -- it's a boy.
We haven't decided upon names just yet, Gil's deciding so it could take awhile. He says he doesn't have issues deciding things but really he does. We are all so excited though, it's going to be one spoiled boy, my father has only girls, and grand-daughters so this is something they have been waiting awhile for.
I decided after I found out to go to the store and get blue balloons and a helium balloon that said, "it's a boy" and brought them home to Gil and the girls. When I got to the door his first question was "What are those for?", then when he took the time to read it he twirled me around and gave me the biggest hug. We had both convinced ourselves it was a girl so that there would be no dissapointment, but I think that also made the excitement that much more. Elizabeth is the only one who is sad, she wanted a sister, and of course Frances has no idea what is up yet, but she'll find out. Jessica however was thrilled she really wanted a little brother since she feels now she knows all about sisters and having something different would be nice.
Now our family feels complete.
It's a very active boy too. He wouldn't stop moving the entire ultra-sound, they had such issues getting a picture of his heart. At first they couldn't even tell what the sex was but after I emptied my bladder and turned over that turned the baby upside down and voom -- it's a boy.
We haven't decided upon names just yet, Gil's deciding so it could take awhile. He says he doesn't have issues deciding things but really he does. We are all so excited though, it's going to be one spoiled boy, my father has only girls, and grand-daughters so this is something they have been waiting awhile for.
I decided after I found out to go to the store and get blue balloons and a helium balloon that said, "it's a boy" and brought them home to Gil and the girls. When I got to the door his first question was "What are those for?", then when he took the time to read it he twirled me around and gave me the biggest hug. We had both convinced ourselves it was a girl so that there would be no dissapointment, but I think that also made the excitement that much more. Elizabeth is the only one who is sad, she wanted a sister, and of course Frances has no idea what is up yet, but she'll find out. Jessica however was thrilled she really wanted a little brother since she feels now she knows all about sisters and having something different would be nice.
Now our family feels complete.