Well you are finally twelve and I know for you thirteen can't come soon enough. It's been a year of change for you and you are adjusting so well. You are growing up too fast for my liking. I love how you are growing up, the way you look out for your siblings, the way you are driven to follow your dreams. I am so proud of who you are.
It makes me so happy to see how much you love Church, love it to the point of making it your party. I am going to pray that your friends have such a good time that they always want to go to the NAC PAC events with you.
You are a beautiful girl and not just on the outside, but on the inside as well. You are always concerned for others and the feelings of others. You are the smartest twelve year old I know. You have such a beautiful voice and I also pray that I will find a way to get you the voice lessons you want so that you can develop that voice of yours.
I know when you were younger I wasn't always there for you. There is so much that I have missed and so much that I wish that I had been a stronger mother for you a stronger influence when you were younger. I can't take back those years but I can tell you that I will be there for you in the future whenever you need me.